In this edition of the SFF Magazine, we incorporate a new section dedicated to the presentation of the structure and teams of SFF companies.
Caixabank Asset Management Luxembourg, S.A. shares with us some information about its track record in the Grand Duchy and introduces us to the Luxembourg team, which is the main active of the asset management company in its aim to offer its clients access to global investment opportunities.
CaixaBank Asset Management, the leading asset management company in Spain
Talking about asset management in Spain necessarily involves talking about CaixaBank Asset Management. Following the integration of the “Bankia Fondos” business, the asset management company has extended its leadership in Spain and, according to Inverco data as of August 2022, it manages more than 75.2 billion euros in funds. Its objective is to maintain national leadership as a reference in asset management and innovation, with a wide range of efficient and sustainable solutions, which allow it to always meet the needs and expectations of its clients. The management company has branches in Luxembourg and Portugal, CaixaBank Asset Management Luxembourg and BPI Gestão de Activos in Portugal, respectively, allowing it to diversify its offer and investment solutions for CaixaBank clients with geographically diversified wealth.
Caixabank Asset Management Luxembourg
CaixaBank Asset Management operates in five locations: Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, Oporto and Luxembourg. Its mission is to offer investment vehicles in the different regions that provide solutions to the needs of investors in both the local and international markets.
CaixaBank Asset Management Luxembourg, S.A., entirely owned by CaixaBank Asset Management, SGIIC, S.A., is the manager of two SICAVs registered in 2013 and one FCP registered in 1994: CaixaBank Global SICAV CaixaBank Wealth SICAV, and BPI Global Investment Fund (fonds commun de placement).
Both the SICAVs and the FCP are vehicles established in Luxembourg in accordance with the UCITS Directive and managed under delegation by CaixaBank Asset Management, which as the investment manager is empowered to take investment decisions in line with the investment policies contained in each of the respective prospectus of these vehicles and prevailing regulations.
The three vehicles have an umbrella structure encompassing different compartments which offer different investment policies. Together they provide a full offer with a high volume of assets under management, while guaranteeing the flexibility to provide “ tailored “ investment solutions.
CaixaBank Asset Management Luxembourg is integrated into CaixaBank AM Spain’s parent company together with BPI Gestão de Activos in Portugal. This integration allows the entity to be more competitive and flexible; thanks to the capillarity and integration in different countries and financial cultures, they offer investors the most efficient solutions in international markets.
In addition, the CaixaBank Group has a new bank in Luxembourg from 2020, CaixaBank Wealth Management Luxembourg, with the aim of serving CaixaBank’s private banking clients who have investments outside Spain and who want to diversify their wealth in different jurisdictions.
Para Ignacio Nájera-Alesón, director general de CaixaBank Asset Management Luxembourg: ”Luxembourg is the cradle of investment fund management in Europe and being present in the country allows us to offer CaixaBank clients access to global investment opportunities,” says Ignacio Najera-Alesón, CEO of Caixabank Asset Management Luxembourg. “This strategic location is highly valued by the client, and allows us to fulfill our purpose; that is, to offer efficient and sustainable solutions to CaixaBank’s clients”, he adds.
Structure and team in Luxembourg
People are the keystone of the CaixaBank Asset Management Group. Its professionals are known for their skills, integrity and for sharing the values of the CaixaBank Group. The CaixaBank Asset Management Luxembourg team is composed of:

- Ignacio Nájera-Alesón, General Director and Conducting Officer
- Victor Vizcaíno, Fund Controler & ManCos (Management Companies) Operations oversight
- Isaac del Toro, Risk Manager
- Paula Gómez, Compliance Officer
- Emmanuelle Lemarquis, Register Compliance Officer for the CSSF, RC y DPO.
- Eric Chinchon, Independent Conducting Officer responsible for oversight of Internal Audit and Marketing and Distribution.
- Nuno Malheiro, Conducting Officer, Risk Manager ManCos and Supervision of IT, Finance and Operations.
Compliance with the law, respect, integrity, transparency, excellence, professionalism, confidentiality, and social responsibility are the basic principles of action of CaixaBank Asset Management Luxembourg, as reflected in the Code of Ethics and Business Principles of CaixaBank Asset Management.
In this way, CaixaBank Asset Management Luxembourg integrates the talent and experience of the specialized teams of the CaixaBank Asset Management Group in the management of investment vehicles domiciled and registered in Luxembourg. Their approach to value creation is based on specialization, diversification, agility and methodology, with a competitive advantage that lies in their ability to be consistent and reliable.
Asset management company committed to social responsibility
The CaixaBank Group was founded at the beginning of the 20th century with the aim of encouraging savings and welfare in a historical context of instability, with a clear social purpose: to help the most disadvantaged people. This vision, now one of the pillars of the welfare state in Spain, remains in the Group’s DNA nearly 120 years later.
“The Group’s distinctive feature, to which we are all proud to belong, is its strong social commitment and vocation to work for the benefit of the general interest. We have been generating social impact for nearly 120 years without being aware of it, and without following any trend or tendency… Simply by vocation”, says Ignacio Nájera-Alesón. And he adds: “Our mission of contributing to the financial well-being of our clients and the progress of society is developed in a culture in which people come first. In this sense, I would like to highlight the spectacular work of the team to offer investment solutions adapted to the client’s profile, seeking to have a positive impact on society as a whole”.
In this regard, CaixaBank Asset Management Luxembourg’s team works with the highest level of responsibility and transparency to offer the most competitive and innovative value proposition, always responding to the financial needs of customers, while remaining committed to the Group’s values of quality, trust, and social commitment.
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