“Screening of our clients and tax transparency is key to maintain a solid reputation and that it is why compliance and regulatory teams shall be trained and to fully understand the business”
Nowadays, the paradigm we use to rely on to invest our time and wealth are changing rapidly and traumatically for all actors in the financial market.
Many changes are happening at the same time. We see a rising climate-change environmental concern, a sophisticated digitalization process and an online transformation of all service providers. The use of Artificial Intelligence is a resource we cannot underestimate and that everybody shall be implementing in the decision-making processes for analyzing all vectors and all risks related to the business and wealth management.
We see that the old-school models and way of managing the investment are starting to be obsolete for granting a healthy continuity of the family businesses and succession of this wealth to the next generations that are born in a virtual environment with access to many options and expert information in real time anywhere. These generations are demanding sophisticated assets like cryptocurrencies, Private Equity, NFTs, etc. They are not afraid of taking risks and they are not so patient in waiting for financial returns while investing in assets that are meeting ESG standards. They want to make a real positive impact while having a return and they expect an ongoing assessment and advice in all what concerns their investments.
New generations are expecting a holistic advice that takes into account their ethics and freedom. They are already well informed before coming to seek our advice and they follow their investment strategy closer than the previous generations and will not certainly doubt to switch to another investment or financial service provider if they consider that they are not getting what they expect.
Today, we see much more transparency concerning all aspects. Commissions must be duly justified with a real added value.
All the IT systems must be duly secured in order to guarantee the privacy of the clients. The investment effort that we are doing in that kind of sophisticated software is being enormous but necessary if we want to duly service and protect the wealth and investments of our clients. The reputational risk and the protection of the brand is key, as any negative news will spread quickly with a potential huge impact in the business and the portfolio no matter the fundamentals. Screening of our clients and tax transparency is key to maintain a solid reputation and that it is why compliance and regulatory teams shall be trained and to fully understand the business.
We, Octogone Europe SA, as independent wealth managers, are adapting to the wishes of our clients, their relatives, and their advisors. We work with them very closely to offer them tailor made solutions. We are always open to new challenges and disruptive ideas while conserving our principles to long-term preserve the wealth of our clients, driving our attention to durable and safe products respecting the client risk profile.