Jaime Gómez-Ferrer Rincón
Independent Director and Advisor
Working Areas
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Jaime Gómez-Ferrer Rincón
Independent Director and Advisor
Working Areas
Contact information
Briefly describe your professional career.
After obtaining his degree in Law and firm adviser (ICADE), he began his professional career in the Insurance and Pension Funds sector in 2003 as an Inspector de Seguros del Estado at the Spanish regulatory and supervisory body (Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones). Furthermore, he is registered at the ROAC (ICAC) as a certified chartered auditor and accountant. Throughout this period, he also served as the Spanish representative on various committees of the European authorities EIOPA, EBA, and ESMA.
Since 2013, he has held several “C” executive positions within the banking and fund industry in Luxembourg. Currently, he actively serves as an independent director and advisor in Luxembourg, having been appointed a member of the Board of Directors of Santander Asset Management Luxembourg.
His extensive experience has enabled him to develop a profound understanding of asset management, private banking, and insurance business. His areas of focus primarily revolve around corporate governance, legal and compliance, AML/CFT (Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Financing of Terrorism), risk management, finance, and distribution.
Since his arrival in Luxembourg, he has been a member of ILA (Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs) and ALCO (Luxembourg Association of Compliance Officers). Additionally, he has received specialized training in blockchain technology (Berkeley University) and in the management of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors.
What is your company currently doing in Luxembourg?
Since 2022, he actively serves as an Independent Director and Advisor in Luxembourg, offering a comprehensive range of business-focused services. His expertise extends to providing regulatory consultancy, including the development and execution of governance, remediation and implementation plans. Jaime also excels in filling interim roles related to Responsable du Contrôle (AML) and Compliance.
What added value does your company offer in Luxembourg compared to your competitors?
The added value lies in his previous work experience in Spanish and European regulatory and supervisory bodies, including collaboration on regulatory projects with various teams from the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) and the CAA (Commissariat aux Assurances). Jaime can explain to potential clients what the supervisor’s expectations are in Luxembourg in relation to the provision of financial services, as well as help companies on the road to good governance, regulatory compliance and the establishment of trust in their dealings with the supervisor.
The scope of services includes investment fund managers, banks, insurance and reinsurance companies, UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities), and alternative investment funds, listed and unlisted companies in almost all asset classes. His experience in Luxembourg related to the establishment and development of banking and asset management activities, as well as the licensing processes for new business lines or the execution of recovery plans for CSSF, represents an additional value for clients. Depending on the requested service, he can promote the entity’s good governance, best practices, and sustainability, perform a watchdog function, and also assist in achieving objectives.
His expertise adds value by providing market intelligence and advising on strategy, as well as overseeing activities from the board of directors or providing guidance to CEOs.
What added value do you think the Spanish Financial Forum (SFF) can bring to the Luxembourg financial services industry and its professionals?
The SFF is a fantastic space for opinion and debate on economic and financial issues. Jaime has participated in Luxembourg in conferences and panels at ALFI (Association Luxembourgeoise des Fonds d’Investissement), ALCO and LFF (Luxembourg for Finance), Informa and, as a professional working in financial services, he can actively participate in trainings, conferences, forums and establish partnerships, providing “market intelligence” from the Luxembourg Hub. The SFF is the ideal space for the development of these activities.