Internal meeting in the framework of the Spanish Financial Forum

Last Wednesday 27th of January took place the first internal meeting of the year of the Spanish Financial Forum (SFF).

José Luis Rodríguez Álvarez, the Vice-President of the Chamber in Luxembourg and President of this working group, welcomed all the attendees and made a positive balance of the first year of life of this Committee.

Then, María Catalán, delegate of the Chamber in Luxembourg, took the floor. She made a summary of the activities developed during 2020 by the SFF. This working group has raised a lot of interest among the members and, currently, it is made up of more than 85 professionals from different sectorsSeven well-attended webinars were also organised over the past year.

Subsequently, the strategic plan for 2021 was presented, detailing the main objectives for this year. Finally, a debate was opened among the members to set out the next steps to be taken by the Committee.

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