Last September 14th, the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg organized a webinar on “The tax obligations in Spain of people who have moved abroad”, in collaboration with its member company B LAW&TAX. The webinar was given by Inmaculada Pineda and Almudena Soler, partner and tax advisor respectively at B LAW&TAX.
During this webinar the different tax obligations that displaced persons abroad can have in Spain were explained. For this purpose, in first place, the criteria used by the Spanish administration to determine tax residence through the personal income tax law or the different double taxation avoidance agreements were explained. The particular case of diplomats and officials of the European institutions was also addressed. In addition, it was presented the different formal requirements for making the change of tax residence effective.
Secondly, they discussed the different implications of tax residence in terms of taxation and profits, income from work for services rendered outside Spain, as well as the requirements for applying any exemptions in these cases. With regard to wealth tax, the applicable regulations were presented according to the residence, the limits and benefits applicable together with their different applicable deadlines. Then, the Model 720 for the declaration of goods and rights abroad was discussed, explaining who is obliged to present this model, the content, the deadlines and possible sanctions.
Finally, participants studied the implications of non-residence for taxation and tax benefits under Spanish law. They determined the possible taxation of income from real estate or movable capital, capital gains as well as the declaration models and deadlines. Lastly, new developments in the taxation of individuals were addressed.
Throughout the different blocks the participants were able to express their different doubts with the speakers. The questions dealt with different cases such as posted workers, the case of taxation of non-work income for officials of the European institutions or the formal obligations when indicating the address of residence.
From the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium and Luxembourg we would like to thank BLAW & TAX for their excellent presentation as well as all the participants for their presence.