Which activity does your company currently develop in Luxembourg?

Currently we work through two companies: Bonacapital Family Office and Leiw Investments. Bonacapital Family office provides comprehensive advisory, management, administration and estate planning services to private clients and family groups with international interests. Leiw Investments, as an agent of Investment Services Companies (ESI) in Luxembourg, promotes and markets investment services such as: investment advice, discretionary and individualized portfolio management, custody and administration on behalf of clients and other financial services.

Recently you have been awarded with the 2019 Analyst of the year award by the Spanish Institute of finacial analysits (IEAF). What does this recognition mean in your professional career?

The Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts (IEAF) organizes a contest every year, in which only its members participate, and what it seeks is to assess to what extent the forecasts of its analysts adjust to the markets and macroeconomic reality. It is a matter of predicting the evolution of different financial markets, (both stock, exchange rates and interest rates) as well as the main macroeconomic variables worldwide. For the entire Bonacapital team it is an honor to have been able to win this award, which encourages us to continue working with the maximum independence and professionalism required by the type of company we represent.

What added value does you company in Luxembourg offer compared to its competitors?

This is a question that is clearly answered simply by knowing what the company’s leitmotif is: “The difference between the possible and the impossible is the measure of the will.” We try to provide a service based on five fundamental pillars: “Independence”, which allows us to work with total freedom when studying, selecting and choosing the best advisors, suppliers and alternatives. “Quality and Excellence”, which translates into our commitment to provide the best possible service. “Personalized attention”, because we do not offer standardized solutions but we create customized solutions. “Security and long-term vision”, our intention is to establish lasting relationships. And finally “Privacy and discretion.”

What services can you offer to other members of the Chamber?

As I have already explained, the variety of services is wide, and covers from the financial services we offer from Leiw Investments: portfolio management, financial advice and even channeling of investment orders to the different financial institutions (banks, securities agencies, bags, etc.) And on the other hand, any service related to financial or equity planning, which has an international component, which we provide from Bonacapital, and which in practice would result in designing investment vehicles (SIF, Soparfi, Raif, unitlink, Limited Partners, etc.) after studying the heritage singularities of each case.

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